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如何清空 Office 的剪切板

时间: 2023-01-23


如何清空 Office 的剪切板


1、认为使用 Application.CutCopyMode = False 就可以了。其实不然,这只是取消剪切或复制模式并清除移动边框。并没有真正的清除剪切板上的数据。数据还是存在的。Mhioffice教程网


Private Declare Function apiOpenClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "OpenClipboard" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function apiEmptyClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "EmptyClipboard" () As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function apiCloseClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "CloseClipboard" () As LongMhioffice教程网

Sub myClr()Mhioffice教程网

apiOpenClipboard (0)'打开剪切板Mhioffice教程网



End SubMhioffice教程网




' Module : Module1Mhioffice教程网

' Purpose : Clear Windows and Office ClipboardsMhioffice教程网


Private Declare Function apiOpenClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "OpenClipboard" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function apiEmptyClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "EmptyClipboard" () As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function apiCloseClipboard Lib "user32" Alias "CloseClipboard" () As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)Mhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32.dll" _Mhioffice教程网

Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal lpsz2 As String) As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias _Mhioffice教程网

"PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As LongMhioffice教程网

Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Long = &H201&Mhioffice教程网

Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP As Long = &H202&Mhioffice教程网

' Creates a long variable out of two wordsMhioffice教程网

Private Function MakeLong(ByVal nLoWord As Integer, ByVal nHiWord As Integer) As LongMhioffice教程网

MakeLong = nHiWord * 65536 + nLoWordMhioffice教程网

End FunctionMhioffice教程网

Sub ClearOfficeClipboard()Mhioffice教程网

Dim hMain&, hExcel2&, hClip&, hWindow&, hParent&Mhioffice教程网

Dim lParameter&, sTask$Mhioffice教程网

sTask = Application.CommandBars("Task Pane").NameLocalMhioffice教程网

' Handle for XLMAINMhioffice教程网

hMain = Application.hwndMhioffice教程网

' Find the OfficeClipboard WindowMhioffice教程网

' 2 methods as we're not sure if it's visibleMhioffice教程网

' ONCE it has been made visible the windowclass is createdMhioffice教程网

' and remains loaded for the duration of the instanceMhioffice教程网


hExcel2 = FindWindowEx(hMain, hExcel2, "EXCEL2", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

hParent = hExcel2: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoCommandBar", sTask)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hClip > 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

Exit DoMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

Loop While hExcel2 > 0Mhioffice教程网

If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hMain: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网


hParent = hMain: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

MsgBox "Cant find Clipboard window"Mhioffice教程网

Exit SubMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

lParameter = MakeLong(120, 18)Mhioffice教程网

Call PostMessage(hClip, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0&, lParameter)Mhioffice教程网

Call PostMessage(hClip, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0&, lParameter)Mhioffice教程网

Sleep 100Mhioffice教程网


End SubMhioffice教程网

Sub ClipWindowForce()Mhioffice教程网

Dim octlMhioffice教程网

With Application.CommandBars("Task Pane")Mhioffice教程网

If Not .Visible ThenMhioffice教程网

Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseMhioffice教程网

Set octl = Application.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=809, recursive:=True)Mhioffice教程网

If Not octl Is Nothing Then octl.ExecuteMhioffice教程网

.Visible = FalseMhioffice教程网

Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End WithMhioffice教程网

End SubMhioffice教程网

' Main program to clear Windows and Office ClipboardsMhioffice教程网

Sub myClr()Mhioffice教程网

Call ClearOfficeClipboardMhioffice教程网

apiOpenClipboard (0)Mhioffice教程网



Application.CutCopyMode = FalseMhioffice教程网

End SubMhioffice教程网


前一段时间在网上找到一个小工具,名叫AccExplorer32,这个工具却可以取得Office剪切板中按钮的位置、名称等各种信息并可以对按钮进行操作。对这个东西的具体操作原理很感兴趣。但是到网上进行各种搜索都没有发现具体的实现方法。最近到网上下载了一本电子书籍名叫《Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Second Edition》电子书。在其中的第16章中有名叫Microsoft Active Accessibility的一节,看到之后才明白了其中的奥妙。这一节就描述怎样在VB中使用Accessibility界面。真是赶到非常的高兴。赶紧试着使用了一下。发现使用微软的Active Accessibility就可以找到“全部清空”按钮并执行它,进而达到清空Office剪切板的目的。以下就是我使用Active Accessibility来清空剪切板的代码,大家共享:Mhioffice教程网

Option ExplicitMhioffice教程网


'Module : ClearOfficeClipboardMhioffice教程网

'Purpose : Clear Windows and Office ClipboardsMhioffice教程网


' 声明API函数Mhioffice教程网

' 查找指定窗口的子窗口Mhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function FindWindowEx _Mhioffice教程网

Lib "user32.dll" _Mhioffice教程网

Alias "FindWindowExA" ( _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal hWnd1 As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal hWnd2 As Long,Mhioffice教程网

ByVal lpsz1 As String, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal lpsz2 As String) _Mhioffice教程网

As LongMhioffice教程网

' 从窗口返回Accessible对象Mhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function AccessibleObjectFromWindow _Mhioffice教程网

Lib "oleacc" ( _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal hwnd As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal dwId As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

riid As tGUID, _Mhioffice教程网

ppvObject As Object) _Mhioffice教程网

As LongMhioffice教程网

' 取得Accessible的子对象Mhioffice教程网

Private Declare Function AccessibleChildren _Mhioffice教程网

Lib "oleacc" ( _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal paccContainer As IAccessible, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal iChildStart As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal cChildren As Long, _Mhioffice教程网

rgvarChildren As Variant, _Mhioffice教程网

pcObtained As Long) _Mhioffice教程网

As LongMhioffice教程网


Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate _Mhioffice教程网

Lib "user32" ( _Mhioffice教程网

ByVal hwndLock As Long) _Mhioffice教程网

As LongMhioffice教程网

' 声明类型Mhioffice教程网

Private Type tGUIDMhioffice教程网

lData1 As LongMhioffice教程网

nData2 As IntegerMhioffice教程网

nData3 As IntegerMhioffice教程网

abytData4(0 To 7) As ByteMhioffice教程网

End TypeMhioffice教程网

' 定义常量Mhioffice教程网

Private Const ROLE_PUSHBUTTON = &H2B&Mhioffice教程网




Sub ClearOfficeClipboard()Mhioffice教程网

' 以下部分定义变量Mhioffice教程网

Dim hMain As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim hExcel2 As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim hClip As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim hWindow As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim hParent As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim octl As CommandBarControlMhioffice教程网

Dim oIA As IAccessibleMhioffice教程网

Dim oNewIA As IAccessibleMhioffice教程网

Dim tg As tGUIDMhioffice教程网

Dim lReturn As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim lStart As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim avKids() As VariantMhioffice教程网

Dim avMoreKids() As VariantMhioffice教程网

Dim lHowMany As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim lGotHowMany As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim bClip As BooleanMhioffice教程网

Dim i As LongMhioffice教程网

Dim hVersion As LongMhioffice教程网




hMain = Application.hwndMhioffice教程网


hVersion = Application.VersionMhioffice教程网

If hVersion < 10 ThenMhioffice教程网

MsgBox "此程序不支持Excel2000及其以下版本"Mhioffice教程网

Exit SubMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网


If hVersion = 12 ThenMhioffice教程网

bClip = TrueMhioffice教程网

With Application.CommandBars("Office Clipboard")Mhioffice教程网

If Not .Visible ThenMhioffice教程网

LockWindowUpdate hMainMhioffice教程网

bClip = FalseMhioffice教程网

Set octl = Application.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=809, recursive:=True)Mhioffice教程网

If Not octl Is Nothing Then octl.ExecuteMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End WithMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网



hExcel2 = FindWindowEx(hMain, hExcel2, "EXCEL2", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

hParent = hExcel2: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoCommandBar", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", "Collect and Paste 2.0")Mhioffice教程网

If hClip > 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

Exit DoMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

Loop While hExcel2 > 0Mhioffice教程网


If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hMain: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", "Collect and Paste 2.0")Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网


If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

With Application.CommandBars("Task Pane")Mhioffice教程网

If Not .Visible ThenMhioffice教程网

LockWindowUpdate hMainMhioffice教程网

Set octl = Application.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=809, recursive:=True)Mhioffice教程网

If Not octl Is Nothing Then octl.ExecuteMhioffice教程网

.Visible = FalseMhioffice教程网

LockWindowUpdate 0Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End WithMhioffice教程网

hParent = hMain: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hWindow = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "MsoWorkPane", vbNullString)Mhioffice教程网

If hWindow ThenMhioffice教程网

hParent = hWindow: hWindow = 0Mhioffice教程网

hClip = FindWindowEx(hParent, hWindow, "bosa_sdm_XL9", "Collect and Paste 2.0")Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网


If hClip = 0 ThenMhioffice教程网

MsgBox "剪切板窗口未找到"Mhioffice教程网

Exit SubMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网


'以下部分代码参考了《Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Second Edition》Mhioffice教程网

'第16章Microsoft Active Accessibility部分Mhioffice教程网


With tgMhioffice教程网

.lData1 = &H618736E0Mhioffice教程网

.nData2 = &H3C3DMhioffice教程网

.nData3 = &H11CFMhioffice教程网

.abytData4(0) = &H81Mhioffice教程网

.abytData4(1) = &HCMhioffice教程网

.abytData4(2) = &H0Mhioffice教程网

.abytData4(3) = &HAAMhioffice教程网

.abytData4(4) = &H0Mhioffice教程网

.abytData4(5) = &H38Mhioffice教程网

.abytData4(6) = &H9BMhioffice教程网

.abytData4(7) = &H71Mhioffice教程网

End WithMhioffice教程网


lReturn = AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hClip, 0, tg, oIA)Mhioffice教程网

lStart = 0Mhioffice教程网


lHowMany = oIA.accChildCountMhioffice教程网

ReDim avKids(lHowMany - 1) As VariantMhioffice教程网

lGotHowMany = 0Mhioffice教程网


lReturn = AccessibleChildren(oIA, lStart, lHowMany, avKids(0), lGotHowMany)Mhioffice教程网

For i = 0 To lGotHowMany - 1Mhioffice教程网

If IsObject(avKids(i)) = True ThenMhioffice教程网

If avKids(i).accName = "Collect and Paste 2.0" ThenMhioffice教程网

Set oNewIA = avKids(i)Mhioffice教程网

lHowMany = oNewIA.accChildCountMhioffice教程网

Exit ForMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

Next iMhioffice教程网

ReDim avMoreKids(lHowMany - 1) As VariantMhioffice教程网

lReturn = AccessibleChildren(oNewIA, lStart, lHowMany, avMoreKids(0), lGotHowMany)Mhioffice教程网


For i = 0 To lHowMany - 1Mhioffice教程网

If IsObject(avMoreKids(i)) = False ThenMhioffice教程网

If oNewIA.accName(avMoreKids(i)) = "全部清空" And _Mhioffice教程网

oNewIA.accRole(avMoreKids(i)) = ROLE_PUSHBUTTON ThenMhioffice教程网

oNewIA.accDoDefaultAction (avMoreKids(i))Mhioffice教程网

Exit ForMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

Next iMhioffice教程网


If hVersion = 12 And bClip = False ThenMhioffice教程网

Application.CommandBars("Office Clipboard").Visible = bClipMhioffice教程网

LockWindowUpdate 0Mhioffice教程网

End IfMhioffice教程网

End SubMhioffice教程网

这个代码的原理是首先找到Office剪切板的句柄,然后通过Microsoft Active Accessibility来取得“全部清空”按钮并执行它,从而清空了剪切板。这也就避免了前面第3种方法的局限性。Mhioffice教程网


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