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时间: 2024-02-21 本站作者


1、拍打天门 2、双龙吐珠 3、 前摇后摆 4、 开合虚掌 5、 排山倒海 6、 拍掌扩胸
7、龙飞凤舞 8、 扭转乾坤 9、 花开富贵 10、鲤跃龙门 11、螳螂捕蝉(右)
12、螳螂捕蝉(左) 13、物换星移 14、天女散花 15、上下天梯 16、同心协力
17、凤阳花鼓 18、龙腾虎跃




Q4:求五行健身操 音乐 mp3

歌曲名:Song Of Joy
歌手:Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
专辑:Murder Ballads
Song of joy
St.Philip's Boys' Choir
Lyrics file editor:corarbor
Come! Sing a song of joy
for peace shall come, my brother!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for men shall love each other!
That day shall dawn just as sure
as hearts that are pure,
are hearts set free.
No man must stand along
with hands outstretched before him.
Reach out and take them in yours
with love that endures
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Come! Sing a song of joy
of freedom! Tell the story!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
One mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Come! Sing a song of joy
of freedom! Tell the story!
Sing! Sing a song of joy
for mankind in his glory!
One mighty voice that will bring
a sound that will ring
forever more.
Then sing a song of joy
for love and understanding.
Then! Sing a song of joy
for love and understanding

Q5:帮妈妈求一个五行健身操视频,高清的, 谢谢啦!




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