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时间: 2024-02-12 本站作者




白羊座 ( 03/21 - 04/20 )
金牛座 ( 04/21 - 05/20)
双子座 ( 05/21 - 06/21)
巨蟹座 ( 06/22- 07/22)
狮子座 ( 07/23 - 08/22)
处女座 ( 08/23 - 09/22)
天秤座 ( 09/23 - 10/23)
天蝎座 ( 10/24 - 11/22)
射手座 ( 11/23 - 12/21)
魔羯座 ( 12/22 - 01/19)
水瓶座 ( 01/ 20- 02/18)
双鱼座 ( 02/19- 03/20)



Q4:其实在父母家 也是种寄人篱下的生活

The high antiquity, the productive forces was backward, the lives of the people were poverty-stricken, early rising, sunset, but the rest, was melancholy time, before looking out the starry sky is just before going to sleep one of required courses. Some bemoan the state of the universe the person with high aspirations when observes the vault of heaven, does not forget to do counts the record, relates the heavenly body vicissitude and the society vicissitudes of life. Along with society's development, some countries and the tribe start to set up the special department, all unusual events which has the entire area records by the professional priest. The priest the stars, the myth fable and the common custom human affairs unifies, takes on God and humanity's communication messenger this kind of role, is responsible to explain that many science were unable the matter which understood, for instance comet passing over gently and swiftly with imperial family member's death. The similar matter had the rich record in various countries' ancient times history books, for example: “in May some day, at night presented the lunar eclipse, king evening dies in the second day, king's son succeeded to the throne.” , the early astrometry is for the purpose of forecasting that the entire national and nationality's destiny, when does arrive from the planet position variation calculation good and bad fortune, but does not make the concrete extrapolation to common people's destiny. The known first individual heavenly palace chart (Birth Chart) draws up in 410 B.C., since then, the astrology enters everyone, no longer merely served for kings. invents the tracking telescope until Galileo, has opened another universe secret, these discoveries opened the astronomy new times, the astrology and astronomy this to for several thousand year inextricably involved joined bodies infant, is separated finally into two different disciplines. Along with heliocentric theory's establishment and modern science's starting, the astrology separates from each other with the astronomy, becomes mystical metaphysics.






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